SOS: The Titanic Inquiry

Next week sees the airing of SOS: The Titanic Inquiry. It will be broadcast on BBC 1 on 16 April at 9.00pm and on RTE 2 on 17 April at 7.00pm. Produced by Hole In The Wall Gang Ltd for BBC Northern Ireland, this courtroom drama tells the story of the official British inquiry into the sinking of the Titanic and its effortsContinue reading “SOS: The Titanic Inquiry”

Villain or Hero in The Titanic Inquiry?

After finishing a successful theatre tour of Of Mice and Men I will be back in front of the camera this week in a new TV drama called The Titanic Inquiry, an intense courtroom drama based on the actual transcripts of the official British Government Inquiry into the Californian Incident in Westminster later that sameContinue reading “Villain or Hero in The Titanic Inquiry?”