SUPERNATURAL: Nightmare logic

A few months ago I made the move from Belfast, Ireland to Vancouver B.C., and I’m really delighted that making that decision is starting to pay off. Recently I’ve been working on the legendary TV show Supernatural. It’s a show close to my own heart as my Mum used to binge watch it while sheContinue reading “SUPERNATURAL: Nightmare logic”

Shooting for Socrates is Here!

This week sees the UK premiere of Shooting For Socrates at the Belfast Film Festival before it goes on general release on 12 June. It’s going to be an exciting night for me personally –  not only for the film – but, as a football fan, at the prospect of meeting some of the players who areContinue reading “Shooting for Socrates is Here!”

PG Wodehouse, An Innocent Abroad?

I got the opportunity to work on BBC4’s biopic drama Wodehouse in Exile. Featuring an all-star cast including Tim Piggot-Smith as PG Wodehouse and Zoe Wanamaker, it tells the story of how the author PG Wodehouse came to face a charge of treason during the Second World War and how this quintessential Englishman, creator of JeevesContinue reading “PG Wodehouse, An Innocent Abroad?”

To Lose Control – Page to Screen and Behind the Scenes

Friday and Saturday will see the culmination of a lot of hard work from a bunch of very talented people. To Lose Control will have launch screenings for cast, crew, friends and family. The amount of help and support that people and companies have given this project has been overwhelming and I would just likeContinue reading “To Lose Control – Page to Screen and Behind the Scenes”

“2p” selected for The Arizona Film Festival 2012!

The old saying goes “If you look after the pennies, the pounds will look after themselves“…  you could apply this to the short film I worked on last year, 2p, as it has been selected by the The Arizona Film Festival this year. From its small budget and a lot of heart from the cast and crew,Continue reading ““2p” selected for The Arizona Film Festival 2012!”

SOS: The Titanic Inquiry

Next week sees the airing of SOS: The Titanic Inquiry. It will be broadcast on BBC 1 on 16 April at 9.00pm and on RTE 2 on 17 April at 7.00pm. Produced by Hole In The Wall Gang Ltd for BBC Northern Ireland, this courtroom drama tells the story of the official British inquiry into the sinking of the Titanic and its effortsContinue reading “SOS: The Titanic Inquiry”

“Desecration” Trailer

The indie film scene is buzzing here with The Shore winning an Oscar in the live action short category over the weekend, and now The C-Project has released the trailer for its third project Desecration. Here’s a little about the movie… ‘On a dark remote road a car is stopped by at a military check point. Something isn’tContinue reading ““Desecration” Trailer”

Desecration: hot, even in the cold!

  It was freezing cold in Belvoir Park at the weekend but that didn’t stop the C-Project trucking on with its latest project Desecration.  I played the role of Johnny with an amazing cast and crew. With the temperatures in the minus figures it didn’t dampen our spirits (the cast were kept warm doing special forces manoeuvres with anContinue reading “Desecration: hot, even in the cold!”

Villain or Hero in The Titanic Inquiry?

After finishing a successful theatre tour of Of Mice and Men I will be back in front of the camera this week in a new TV drama called The Titanic Inquiry, an intense courtroom drama based on the actual transcripts of the official British Government Inquiry into the Californian Incident in Westminster later that sameContinue reading “Villain or Hero in The Titanic Inquiry?”

I’m picking up “Good Vibrations”…

“In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king….” Last Friday saw the wrap of the film Good Vibrations, starring Richard Dormer in the starring role as Terri Hooley, Jodie Whittaker and Adrian Dunbar,  to name to a few. I was lucky enough to pick up the role of  ‘Wolfgang Zorrer’, a German journalist who is searchingContinue reading “I’m picking up “Good Vibrations”…”